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Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Technology


This line of research aims to perform work that includes particulate systems, heterogeneous chemical reactors and biochemical reactors. The faculty may develop applied research and in the industrial sector, involving fluidized bed reactors, fixed bed, separation systems and other related systems. In parallel, research related to the development and improvement of biotechnological, environmentally correct and economically viable products and processes will be conducted as an alternative to conventional products and processes. The chemical, biochemical and materials technologies are integrated in this line, providing the necessary foundation for research in Chemical Engineering, within its aspects, to develop in interfaces that collaborate for its integrity as a research area.

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química / PPG-EQ
Rua São Nicolau, 210 - 5 andar - Centro         CEP 09913-030
Fone: (11) 4044-0500 R:3510